Sunday, May 20, 2012

Research IT: Animal Food facts

1.) The animal with the biggest appetite ~> was the Blue Whale. "Krill" are small shrimp-like creatures that the Blue Whale only eat but the Blue Whale can eat up to 4 tons of Krill a day(equivalent to eating 1,000 apples every hour a day).

2.) One of the hungriest animal ~> was a Tiny Pygmy Shrew. It eats 24 hours a day. Though they have a small body, an adult shrew that weights as much as a pingpong ball eats more than its own weight everyday. Why is that? A shrew would die with hunger if they did not eat even for just 3 hours.

3.) A Pit Viper can go without food and grow longer for 3 years, though it loses its weight.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Are you in trouble of figuring out which course is right for you?

Now then you might count me in. This article is not supposed to SPECIFICALLY tell you which is the course that you'd be best taking. I'm just another you who's rethinking about courses. 

The first question that helped me a lot is, "What is my hobby?", as for me, my hobby was playing video games, drawing, and fantasizing. I asked one college student about which course fits for a person like me, he introduced then BSIT Digital Arts. Hmm... sounds interesting but I'm not that into web designing. I rethink of the course and I felt something may not be right if I'll be going for it. When you choose the course, you gotta love it, you gotta have passion for it. 

After that, the next question arises, "What's your passion?". Are you the person with so many talents? OR are you the type of person who thinks you don't have a talent? If it's a no-no then  you have an easy way figuring out the best course for you! Specifically tell your self what is your talent. What are you good at? Is it your passion? Do you love doing it? Answering those questions would really help you out. If you're the type of person who has a lot of talents, you might want to take the NCAE or NAT examinations and see the results. It would help you sort things out. If you're telling yourself you don't have a talent, snap out of it and get real. There's no human without a talent! You just haven't found it.

Just a piece of advice when choosing universities, you shouldn't be choosing the university because you like the place. In order to acquire better education, you should find out more about it. What's their specialty? Is your course their specialty? Are there students who became successful after graduating to that school? How many are they? You might want to ask yourself that. 

Unfortunately, there are people who commit mistakes when choosing their courses and quits it by the time their close to finish. Why? They don't feel like it's their passion or likeness at all. So you have to be very careful.
I'm not a college student yet. I'm just here to give you ideas about courses. You should think and choose wisely as you course will affect the rest of your life. Don't rely on other people who forces you to take this course or the other. They're not the one who's going to study! It's you!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Confusion with fake from real.

Did you ever found yourself alone in a very crowded place? Did you ever feel the feeling of being alone despite of the fact that you have many friends around you? For some reason, you find yourself alone because you just don't know how to compare real from fake. Friends are really true, indeed. But just like gold, because of too much high-technology, they can be faked. And unfortunately, it's really hard to differentiate them from the real one though you can do it through some steps.

However, you can't consider yourself as a matured adult if you weren't able to know those things or to even experience them.

Tough things come and go to train us but some people just aren't able to take it further and managed to go to the wrong way of solving it. That's where bad influence begins and slowly, it affects a ton. For life is a big maze you gotta get through but you don't have to worry too much as you have a guide for it, it's the Bible. So solve your life wisely to reach the finish line. Avoid being out of this world like being a bad person whom shouldn't really exist in some matters that makes this whole world go bad. God bless.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Different cultures of the Filipinos that requires art

This is MARADJAO(red). Maradjao is also known for being a Philippine Street festival held at Surigao City, Philippines.
LANZONES (white) festival as you can notice with its name is a festival for the lanzones held at Camiguin and also at Mambadjao.

But of course it wasn't just the festivals that has a culture arts in the Philippines! We can also consider the games like the following:

PATINTERO(white) is a game that was most played by Filipino children. Even I enjoy this game. Rules are simple, as a 'Taya' you can't let anyone from your enemy's side pass through. On the other hand, the other team should be able to make it to the finish line and go all the way back without being touched by the 'Taya' although, the taya also have their on group. If one of the other team will make it back to the staring line after going to the finish line, probably will win.










Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3-4, 2011

Last night, I dreamt about a guinea pig that has a skunk tail! It was color black given to me by my brother as a gift. Then after that, I spent a whole day at our terrace,playing with my cousin Serge's grown-up siberian hamster (which is color gray). Then on the morning, I found myself, opening a lunch box with a bear print on top, then found a few toys and 4 guinea pigs in it!

But the thing is, I'm not that sure if they're alive. The 1st pair that I picked in my dreams is a black pair, which is what I've seen before. On a guinea pig site, I'm really sure that I've seen those guinea pigs, kept as pets by a trainer of hamsters,fish & guinea pigs. Then the 2nd pair that I picked out from the lunch box, is white. The other one is abbysinian (pure white) & an american cavy (with caramel in color). When I took them out, they're looking at a single direction. (This somehow freaked me out.) In my dreams, I did not dare look at the direction that they're looking at. But, Later on, I remembered that when I entered our terrace, I took a glance to that direction! But what I saw is Tita Neneth! Now what I'm thinking of is that Tita Neneth may have connection with the guinea pigs that I've been dreaming of!

But that's not the end! I also dreamt about our cat taiga! She gripped a mouse!(Color black) Then I saw that and got a broom (If I remembered correctly) the I hit taiga hard so that she gives off that little mouse. And in the end still, I won ofcourse :))) My cousins are in our house at that time! :D Alright that's what happened in my dreams :D That's all bye !!!! :DDD

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Free from Worries! :D

Hello! :D Remember my past post remember that I said that my brother's birthday celebration and my birthday celebration will be celebrated in one day? Well, the plans changed! :) So, is it fun yesterday? I can say yes! My brother's girlfriend Nizelle Milaire (I'm not sure with the spelling) visited our house! :D We watched movies like 30 Days Night and 3 Idiots! :D With the movie 3 idiot I learned that being an engineer is pretty difficult most especially when it considers that I should halfly-master physics! :| It's pretty difficult I think since I really hate Science! :P I really hate the memorization part. :D I think instead of taking the civil engineering course, I would take the Architecture course! :D But I'm still not sure though. :) Alright that's all for now! Bye! ;)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday

So tomorrow is my brother's birthday! And after tomorrow and 4 days, my birthday will come! So what's so special tomorrow anyway? Well, we talked about it already that my and my brother's birthday will be celebrated just in one day! To be honest, I don't know if it's really something to be happy about!
Why? I think it's because my birthday is not really tomorrow but it's celebrated tomorrow! Oh, well, I don't really like so much celebration for my birthday! All I want are gifts! :D Just kidding.

I think tomorrow would just be like an ordinary day that I'm spending just like today! I'm going to use the computer as usual, going to play piano, sleep, eat and lastly, be bored. Are you surprised? Well, that's how I spend the vacation that I longed for!!! There's nothing really so much to do.
