Sunday, May 20, 2012

Research IT: Animal Food facts

1.) The animal with the biggest appetite ~> was the Blue Whale. "Krill" are small shrimp-like creatures that the Blue Whale only eat but the Blue Whale can eat up to 4 tons of Krill a day(equivalent to eating 1,000 apples every hour a day).

2.) One of the hungriest animal ~> was a Tiny Pygmy Shrew. It eats 24 hours a day. Though they have a small body, an adult shrew that weights as much as a pingpong ball eats more than its own weight everyday. Why is that? A shrew would die with hunger if they did not eat even for just 3 hours.

3.) A Pit Viper can go without food and grow longer for 3 years, though it loses its weight.

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