Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Teachings of the Katipunan-(the Kartilla of the Katipunan)

I.A life not devoted to a worthy cause is like a tree without its leaves .
-we have our different purposes in life ,others are difficult others are simply easy . But the important thing is that we should do them no matter what the reason is . Because if we don't , our life could be put to nonsense .

II.A good deed that was not done sincerely is not considered a virtue
-It doesn't matter how many times you help others ,because if you did with an insincere heart it can't be called a virtue.

III.Real virtue lies not only in Charity and love of neighbor,but also in the purity of one's thoughts,words and actions.
-charity is what we do to help others,but if you do it for your own purpose , then it can't be called virtue regardless of what you give to others.

IV.All men are equal,regardless of race,color,and culture.
-don't judge the book by it's cover ,not everything we're seeing is real .We are all equally disregarding our physical capabilities .

V.A wise men values abstinence over indulgence
-only the truth will set you free
VI.A person with delicadeza knows how to keep his words
-delicadeza is a spanish trait that we inherited.It was a trait that has the definition of shame .So the point of this teaching is that if you have shame,keep your promises because if you won't keep them,you're shameless.
VII.Never waste time;opportunities that passed by may come again,but time wasted can never be brought back.
-time is gold ,others says which is true.But I don't really believe that opportunities that passed by may come again.Things may happen once like time so we should value every second that we spend our lives.
VIII.Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor
-it was like defend your country and fight its conqueror
IX.An intelligent person exercises prudence in his words but when to keep a secret
-an intelligent person speaks diligently but he also knows when to keep his mouth shut.This means that even a person who's so intelligent ,is honest
X.A man serves as a model to his wife and children;thus, the leader who is headed in the wrong direction also leads his followers astray.
-this was like a bottle with a little water inside ,it follows where the gravity pulls the water , anywhere as long as their leader is concerned.

XI.Don't look down on a woman as a source of pleasure but as a partner in one's joys and sorrows;remember your mother who brought you up since you were a baby .
-women are meant to be loved not for pleasure .If you can't value one,then you don't deserve to love.Value other women as you value your mom.
XII.What you do not want done unto your own wife,daughter and sister,do not do unto others wife,daughter,and sister of others
-Don't do to others what you don't want to be done unto you.It's like a mirror,what you do to yourself while looking in the mirror will reflect and will be shown in the mirror too.
XIII.A person's worth does not depend on being a king priest or having a high position in society,nor in the shape of one's nose or color of one's skin.It is found in his goodness,honor,and pure intentions;in those who do not abuse nor allow themselves to be abused;and in those who know concern and love for one's country.
-Everyone was made by God equally ,so no matter what your position is,your personality is the only thing that is highly appreciated by others especially by God.You can earn money but you can't pay God to let you enter heaven,but your virtue and pure intentions will do more that it has bonus of taking you to heaven if already also accepted Jesus.

The Cry of Pugad Lawin

It was said that at the night that the Katipunan became no longer a secret association , Bonifacio and his army escaped to the Hills of Balintawak . This where it started.

All men associated together for a meeting at Juan Ramos' house (Melchora Aquino's son) .August 23,1896 , in the meeting , the Katipuneros finally reached their limit and decided to have an all-out attack for the country's freedom .
Their first step is to tore their Cedulas .

then , they shouted at the top of their lungs ,"MABUHAY ANG PILIPINAS!MABUHAY ANG KALAYAAN!".

This 1 awakening opened the mind's eyes of the other Filipinos .Marked as , the beginning of the Philippine revolution 1896 against the Spain .

The trial and Death of Andres Bonifacio

Everything on Earth starts with birth .Yet , everything on Earth ends with death .
Lets move on . Andres Bonifacio , on April 29,1897, was taken to the War Council just because the War council wants to try them on the War council . Also , they were found guilty of sedition and was sentenced to Death by the council .

Emilio Aguinaldo tried to convert their death sentence to life imprisonment but his military advisers did not agree. I don't know what he is trying to do here , I don't know if he wants to help or something but no matter how he helps , I doubt it .

They were taken to My.Buntis on MAY 10,1897 .They were shot by 4 soldiers and was buried on a shallow grave ...wooowww...This was a disrespectful kind of burial !And here's more ,they plantes wooden branches on the ground just to mark the spot!!!

I don't really understand , they could have sinned but their people to , they need respect even for just their death . Even a proper burial would do .

This is the place where the Bonifacio brothers were buried.

The Collaboration with the Americans

At this scene , Emilio Aguinaldo is one of the main characters . His role here is to disagree with Isabelo Artacho who wants the 400,000 paid by the Spaniards to be equally divided among them .

Highly confusing , I wonder why Emilio Aguinaldo refused Isabelo Artacho's request even if it is for good (I already know why , I just don't want to admit it) . Probably because he has another opinion or I'm correct with what I'm thinking as of earlier no , it was the correct answer. Feeling unjustified , Isabelo Artacho filed a lawsuit against Emilio Aguinaldo in the supreme court in Hongkong . The Hongkong Supreme court during the old days .

So , where did we really get the point of collaborating with the Americans ?
-Its because we lack UNITY . But they have a lot . So we asked for some,no just kidding . We got the point of collaborating with the Americans because Spencer Pratt told Emilio Aguinaldo to help the Americans fight against Spain . "If the Americans will win this battle , what more the Filipinos 10,000 miles away ." , Spencer added .

So , Emilio Aguinaldo believed on what Spencer said which he completely thought it was right , he headed back to the Philippines to create an army against Spain . But , will the Americans really bring the Philippine Independence that Emilio Aguinaldo is expecting/thinking and what Spencer is saying ?

Anyways , Lets go on with the Story of Isabelo Artacho

So after Isabelo Artacho filed a Lawsuit against Emilio Aguinaldo , we're not so sure if it was a failure . But after that , Emilio Aguinaldo and Rounseville Wildman became friends not after ,they became so close that Emilio Aguinaldo entrusted Wildman 50,000 pesos and 67,000 pesos to buy some weapons for his army . How selfish could he be! He trusted a foreigner for money but he did not trust his comrades ?! So the result is , the First amount was used but the other one vanished and was never used by the Filipinos . (Doesn't surprise me. T_T)

But the Filipino Members in Hongkong , had a discussion about the things happening here in the Philipppines . Lead by Felipe Agoncillo . So they created this JUNTA on MAY 4,1898 .
Trust no one , just yourself . (Don't trust the Americans or anyone else , just the Filipinos) because only yourselves can help yourselves.
