Saturday, August 7, 2010

Social Relevance of the film to our present society

The film entitled "Jose Rizal" gives me an idea of how spaniards treated the Filipinos during the old times.Our present Society would be nothing but a Province of spanish.And also,there wouldn't be Malacañang and REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES. The way we speak would be like the spanish way if our heroes didn't protect our country from the invaders or conquerors. We, filipinos love to have our independence no matter what and whatever it takes, that they will sacrifice their own life for the independence of the Philippines and the people under its jurisdiction.

Historical significance of the film

For me,the historical significance of the film is that it may inspire the other Filipinos that we should never fear anything beside God.Because God controls everything.And with this the present and next generation will never be afraid to say "I'm a PILIPINO!".Like others say,"Past can affect the future".Imagine yourself sitting on a top of a tree,instead of hearing birds and the sound of the wind,you will hear;SCREAMS,BULLETS FIRING,BOMBINGS and PEOPLE and CHILDREN ASKING FOR HELP.Thanks to our heroes and to God,if there is NO HERO + NO GOD = NO PEACE.That film is really useful especially for the Filipinos who don't know what our heroes did just for our Justice,freedom and Democracy.

Characters in the film of Jose Rizal

1.)Cesar Montano-as Jose Rizal,he is the most important character of the story.The role he played is so touching for he offered his own life for us."liberty!"
2.)Joel Torre-as Simoun/Crisostomo Ibarra,he'sthe character in Rizal's novel.Through him Rizal showed the things that he think he have to do that is still undone.
3.)Gloria Diaz-as Toedora Alonzo,she is the very first teacher of Jose Rizal,at the same time she is the mother of the 9 kids(including jose rizal).Her role is to be the loving mother of Jose Rizal.
4.)Gardo Versoza-as Andres Bonifacio ,his role is to be the defender of Jose Rizal and he the one who lead the other members of KKK to fight against the spaniards and seek for revenge.
5.)Monique Wilson-as Maria Clara.She is the last girlfriend of Jose Rizal but they ended with a painful 'goodbye'.
6.)Jhong Hilario-the prisoner servant that used to be a friend of Jose Rizal while he is still on the jail guarded by the guardia civils.
7.)Dominic Guinto-he is the young Rizal ,he is always bullied by his other classmates due to his height.
8.)Richard Quan-as Isagani ,he is the savior of the 2 couple who had a marriage and recieved a gift from Simoun.He throwed the gift to the nearby river because he knew that it was going to explode.
9.)Dennis Marasigan-as Marcelo H. Del Pilar ,he wanted to be the President of the La Liga Filipino even though the other members is against it.
