Saturday, December 31, 2011

Confusion with fake from real.

Did you ever found yourself alone in a very crowded place? Did you ever feel the feeling of being alone despite of the fact that you have many friends around you? For some reason, you find yourself alone because you just don't know how to compare real from fake. Friends are really true, indeed. But just like gold, because of too much high-technology, they can be faked. And unfortunately, it's really hard to differentiate them from the real one though you can do it through some steps.

However, you can't consider yourself as a matured adult if you weren't able to know those things or to even experience them.

Tough things come and go to train us but some people just aren't able to take it further and managed to go to the wrong way of solving it. That's where bad influence begins and slowly, it affects a ton. For life is a big maze you gotta get through but you don't have to worry too much as you have a guide for it, it's the Bible. So solve your life wisely to reach the finish line. Avoid being out of this world like being a bad person whom shouldn't really exist in some matters that makes this whole world go bad. God bless.

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