Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday

So tomorrow is my brother's birthday! And after tomorrow and 4 days, my birthday will come! So what's so special tomorrow anyway? Well, we talked about it already that my and my brother's birthday will be celebrated just in one day! To be honest, I don't know if it's really something to be happy about!
Why? I think it's because my birthday is not really tomorrow but it's celebrated tomorrow! Oh, well, I don't really like so much celebration for my birthday! All I want are gifts! :D Just kidding.

I think tomorrow would just be like an ordinary day that I'm spending just like today! I'm going to use the computer as usual, going to play piano, sleep, eat and lastly, be bored. Are you surprised? Well, that's how I spend the vacation that I longed for!!! There's nothing really so much to do.

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