Friday, January 7, 2011

The results of the Propaganda Movement

For some reason , the Propaganda Movement never asked for Philippine Independence . Know why ? Probably because they thought that someday , when the Spaniards realize the pitiful state of the Filipinos , they will implement changes that the Filipinos wanted . After watching Jose Rizal starred by Cesar Montano , I never thought it was possible . So I don't know what came into the Propaganda Movement members minds that they even thought it was possible .

The result of the Propaganda Movement , somehow , is a FAILURE . Definitely because they lack Nationalism and Leadership . Why didn't they fought for our country instead of letting the Spaniards abuse us ? Are they saying that the Spaniards will someday have pity on us and let us go ? When will that someday happen ? No wonder it was a failure . Even I wouldn't join that kind of organization .

I could even say that they lack leadership not because of their leader but because they don't follow their leaders . What's the sense of a leader of his followers doesn't follow him ? It would be like a tree without its leaves .That also means it was just a plain position .

These leaders , I don't really know what they're up to .

If only these people realized how sad it will be to be under the Spain , I think they would have open minds then fight for their country , not for themselves but for their country . "Animals are people too" but in this situation the animals looks like smarter than us to fight for their territory . The Philippines are meant for the Filipinos , Spain for Spaniards ,America for Americans and what not . Why can't they just be contented for what they have ? World War I and II could have never happened if they're not greedy for more power . I don't really like the purpose of this propaganda movement . All I believe is that this was a FAILURE .

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