Friday, October 8, 2010

The Contributions of the Spanish Missionaries to us Filipinos

The contribution of the Spanish missionaries to us Filipinos can be still seen as of today.There were so many changes or improvements done by the spanish missionaries.With their help,now we could know more about our heroes since their masterpieces were left behind.Now is the time that we'll study further more about the spanish missionaries' contribution to the Philippine government.

-Look around,if you're living in a subdivision,you may get used seeing your living place more like forming a shape of rectangle.Wanna know why?Well,it's because of the Spanish missionaries.Yes,they are the ones who managed that subdivisions or towns should be with a rectangular shape.
The Spanish missionaries even used to make landmarks like Churches,Park,etc. because they think that it will somehow help you go to a place you are not familiar with then you won't be lost on your way back home!*^_^*It is pretty useful though!
-Spanish missionaries are also the ones who designed the bridges,roads,etc.They're like the director of a film and we are the actors and actresses.And at the same time,we are the audiences.
-Except from designing the towns and roads,the spanish missionaries also intruduced to us other products that we could plant like; cincamas,potatoes,coffee, papaya,etc.not just fruits but they also brought animals that we're not familiar with too like;goats,carabaos,swan,ducks,pigeons,horses and cattles.There are a lot of agricultural products that the spanish missionaries introduced to us so I named just a few.
-The Spanish missionaries,not being tired of sharing us what they have in their country,even thought us how to do fishing,mining,farming and weaving in a better way.Because of these,we Filipinos learned further more about what life is,since we slowly learned to use things that we learned to make,even we are not really used in using it.We learned to use soaps,candles and most especially,BOOKS.
-Some of the houses here in the Philippines are styled like a Spanish style.You guessed it right,it's because of the Spanish missionaries.They're not just the engineers,industrialists and agriculturists but also the architects and we all know that architects are those who styles or designs houses and even buildings.And because of that,we inherited the way or style of Spanish houses!But still,there are other places which were not affected or places which didn't inherit this from the Spaniards,these are the provinces who still uses NIPA HUTS or BAHAY KUBO.Other Filipinos uses Nipa huts just for display but others uses this as their shelter during cold times,and their umbrella during the rainy days.I think about this architecture,the spaniards influenced us a lot if this matter would be concerned.
-for me,this would be the nicest thing the Spanish missionaries had done for us.The Spanish missionaries created or founded an orphanage center or a place where abandoned children could live in.No one in the world would do that if they were a lover of money,weren't they?But behold,they didn't build just an orphanage center but also hospitals!I really appreciate these spanish workers!!!If they don't love us then they wouldn't build such things!
The Hospital of SAN JUAN de DIOS
And the SAN LAZARO hospital are 2 of the oldest existing hospitals in Asia.But there were other hospitals built in different places!I don't have any clue why the Spanish missionaries were so kind to us unlike their other comrades.
This is a picture of one of the orphanage or asylum built.Its name was Real Hospicio de San Jose known for being the very first orphanage for girls and boys.It was built in Manila in 1810.
-The Spanish missionaries did'n't just built asylums but they also became our 2nd teachers for they also built schools and universities.At first,only the boys were allowed to go to school.And the girls were just meant to stay at home.How unfair it was!I would rather wish to stay in school than being imprisoned at home doing nothing!I'd die with boredom that way!Going back to the topic,the Spanish missionaries served as our teachers and they thought us how to speak Latin and Spanish since these were the main dialect used in schools.
This was COLEGIO MAXIMO de SAN IGNACIO,the first school established yup,FOR BOYS ONLY >:(.Except of these,there were other schools built like,Colegio de San Ildefonso,Escuela Pia,etc.

Now,this is the best part,they finally established a school for Girls!YES!
COLEGIO de SANTA POTENCIANA was the first school established for girls.I bet that it was very crowded during the 1st day of school since this was the first school built for girls by the Spaniards ever!This Colegio de Santa Potenciana was built on 1591.But later on,it was followed by...
The COLEGIO de SANTA ISABEL,built on 1632 then a lot of other schools followed.This is great for me!!!But the oldest school existing is the University of Santo Thomas yes,the university where some of our heroes enrolled in.
-Right now,I can't imagine how intelligent Spanish missionaries are of course,you are an engineer,architect and a scientist?!My goodness,what would they look like???!!!The Spanish missionaries maybe loved science and math as I imagine them.I would live in a bed of roses if I did that!!!By the way,going back,the Spaniards brought their knowledge about science from Europe on the 19th century(it is stated on my book :P)which led to being brought here in the Philippines it was meant actually.Dr.Jose Rizal must had loved Science when it was introduced to him!
This was the OBSERVATORY of MANILA which was founded by the Jesuits in 1865.
-obras pias was the first financial group here in the P
hilippines.I cant believe that the Spanish missionaries was rich enough to be founder of the Obras Pias!But instead of keeping the money that they're receiving from this,they would give it to the persons of the society!!!Oh,how I wish there are still Spanish missionaries who's this kind,I wish I could taste their kindness!!!
-Since the Spanish missionaries thought us how to speak Spanish and Latin,they also thought us how to make poems,novels,etc.But of course we're not just the one who could study different languages,the Spanish missionaries also studied our Local language!They can't speak TAGALOG but I still appreciate that they can understand it.If they didn't teach us how to make poems and novels,then there would be no known Lope K. Santos or others because they wouldn't be rewarded for their creativeness when it comes to story-making.
-Of course,there wouldn't be a lot of copies of books if we didn't learn how to print.
This was the first printing press in the Philippines,and this was the printer used by Dr. Jose Rizal especially,when he finished a novel.But TOMAS PINPIN was the first filipino printer.
This was a sculpture of Tomas Pinpin,or "The Prince of Filipino printers" was also the very first Filipino author who also printed the first Tagalog book.Printers,they are still used as of today especially during doing our assignments at home.But still the spanish missionaries also used this in a nice way.
However,the DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA was the first book printed in the Philippines.
-Studying would never be completed without books,unless you learn from your surroundings or those around you.The Spanish Missionaries established libraries and,museums for us to learn more,I guess they really care for us like their own child because if they don't then there would be nothing like this existing during the Spanish Era.
-Gosh!Are the Spanish Missionaries a human?!How could they be talented,creative and at the same time intelligent?!If there would be any guys still existing with this characteristics gosh!I would be his great,great FAN!!!The Spanish missionaries was creative enough to compose songs and even invent a piece of music!Those who can't would just teach music but those who could,they make songs for church rites!!!How creative they are!
-Lastly,the Spanish missionaries also shared their sculptures and paintings to us! They thought us how to make such things!Well,thanks to them,we could know draw memories without using cameras but just with a graphite,eraser and a paper!So I'm thankful that we learned a lot of things from the Spaniards.

I guess this article proved that not all the things that we got from the Spaniards are bad,but there are other things that we got from that are useful too.
Spanish missionaries,We Filipinos are thanking you for everything!

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