Monday, August 30, 2010

Love Story

This my most embarsing day
Because I kept on crying all day,
I think there's something that my heart wants to say,
To someone that I'm thinking of everyday!

But someone has heart already,
because I can't say I love him,
and be ready...

But now its too late,
for me to fall on his bait,
now I learned,
Whatever happen,you can't say wait.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Comparrisons of Chritianity and Islam faith

If you’re going to ask me, which religion I would choose, well, you’re barking at the wrong tree because I don’t care whatever religion I’m going to join. Because for me what really matters is that God is the one you are praising and worshiping. But I can compare Christianity from the Islam faith!


1) Christians uses the HOLY BIBLE as our sacred book.

2) Christianity doesn’t give any bad affects for our living or health but instead it is the right way to take care of ourselves.

3) Christians doesn’t marry too many women, instead, they only have 1 couple will marry no one else.

4) Christianity praises and worships GOD.

5) We call our preacher leaders PRIEST.

6) We have our celebration called as CHRISTMAS DAY celebrating Jesus’ birthday.

(-_-)ISLAM FAITH (-_-)

1) Islam faith uses QUR’AN as their sacred book.

2) Islam faith’s RAMADAN during September affects the health of its followers.

3) Islam faith allows men to marry as many as they want as long as he can support its needs.

4) Islam faith praises and worships ALLAH.

5) Islam faith’s leader is called IMAM.

6) They don’t celebrate Allah’s birthday but uses Ramadan to celebrate.

That was the differences of Christianity from Islam faith that I know. I hope this would help others glorify God as their god .

My own documentation

This my own documentation while I was watching Jose Rizal the movie.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Teachings & Practices of Islam

For the Moslems,their practices and teachings are not so weird as others think,but for me,it was stranger than it seems.Maybe,it was only weird for me because I don't know the reason why they such practices and teachings.Oh!By the way,I am going to give some examples of the Practices and teachings of Islam,'Islam' is a kind of religious belief of Moslems.For some reason,they have a strong,very strong faith with Allah.And also they believe that "THERE IS NO OTHER god besides ALLAH",I don't know if theyhave proofs.

I think the Moslems' teachings is quite understandable though it was also too bad for ourselves.No eating,during the Ramadan,no drinking anything...Geee...I won't be able to do that myself!If Skipping one meal a day makes you slender,how about not eating anything FOR A WEEK???MONTHS???T_T

But that's alright,we are not Moslems though so we don't have such beliefs.In my own opinion,I would say that the Islam faith would also be considered as bravery,because if their not brave,then,they wont be able to follow their own beliefs!But lets take it like this,it was thier religion not ours so we'd have to respect them.If Moslems will die during the Ramadan,what will happen?Well,I dont know myself.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Social Relevance of the film to our present society

The film entitled "Jose Rizal" gives me an idea of how spaniards treated the Filipinos during the old times.Our present Society would be nothing but a Province of spanish.And also,there wouldn't be Malacañang and REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES. The way we speak would be like the spanish way if our heroes didn't protect our country from the invaders or conquerors. We, filipinos love to have our independence no matter what and whatever it takes, that they will sacrifice their own life for the independence of the Philippines and the people under its jurisdiction.

Historical significance of the film

For me,the historical significance of the film is that it may inspire the other Filipinos that we should never fear anything beside God.Because God controls everything.And with this the present and next generation will never be afraid to say "I'm a PILIPINO!".Like others say,"Past can affect the future".Imagine yourself sitting on a top of a tree,instead of hearing birds and the sound of the wind,you will hear;SCREAMS,BULLETS FIRING,BOMBINGS and PEOPLE and CHILDREN ASKING FOR HELP.Thanks to our heroes and to God,if there is NO HERO + NO GOD = NO PEACE.That film is really useful especially for the Filipinos who don't know what our heroes did just for our Justice,freedom and Democracy.

Characters in the film of Jose Rizal

1.)Cesar Montano-as Jose Rizal,he is the most important character of the story.The role he played is so touching for he offered his own life for us."liberty!"
2.)Joel Torre-as Simoun/Crisostomo Ibarra,he'sthe character in Rizal's novel.Through him Rizal showed the things that he think he have to do that is still undone.
3.)Gloria Diaz-as Toedora Alonzo,she is the very first teacher of Jose Rizal,at the same time she is the mother of the 9 kids(including jose rizal).Her role is to be the loving mother of Jose Rizal.
4.)Gardo Versoza-as Andres Bonifacio ,his role is to be the defender of Jose Rizal and he the one who lead the other members of KKK to fight against the spaniards and seek for revenge.
5.)Monique Wilson-as Maria Clara.She is the last girlfriend of Jose Rizal but they ended with a painful 'goodbye'.
6.)Jhong Hilario-the prisoner servant that used to be a friend of Jose Rizal while he is still on the jail guarded by the guardia civils.
7.)Dominic Guinto-he is the young Rizal ,he is always bullied by his other classmates due to his height.
8.)Richard Quan-as Isagani ,he is the savior of the 2 couple who had a marriage and recieved a gift from Simoun.He throwed the gift to the nearby river because he knew that it was going to explode.
9.)Dennis Marasigan-as Marcelo H. Del Pilar ,he wanted to be the President of the La Liga Filipino even though the other members is against it.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Jose Rizal

In the story of Jose Rizal starring Cesar Montano, it all started with a man writing a certain novel that illustrates the bad things about how spaniards treat the filipinos. He started to tell his true life. Then a day came that Rizal was about to go Ateneo de Municipal on 1872, to study. Many years passed, he became a college student at UST. He used to be bullied by the other spaniards that was also studying in UST. Then a day came that Rizal got into a fight, while they were having a meeting at their school. He fainted after their fight, then he woke up lying on the bed where he saw his uncle and his fellow classmates, when his uncle is about to leave his uncle asked his daughter Leonora or also known as Maria Clara, to take care of Jose Rizal, then Maria Clara asked Pepe to recite a poem for her. After few years passed Rizal was sent to Europe to study his doctorate, he is always the top student of the class. After he studied he made 2 novels entitled Noli Me Tangere as his first novel and El Filibusterismo as his second novel. When he is in Spain he joined an organization called La Solidaridad, the time came when Pepe and Del Pilar got into an arguement about who will be the president of their organization, Del Pilar wanted himself to be the president but one of the members insisted that Rizal should be the president, this made Rizal go back to the Philippines and made a organization called La Liga Filipino where he met Bonifacio, who was a great fan of him.Then after a few days, he recieved a letter from his brother and his cousin. In his brother's letter, it states that the spaniards forced the filipinos to vacate their properties. And in his cousins letter (Leonora) she stated that she will be marrying an English man. And even if she will be marrying another man and not Pepe, she will still remember him through out her life. After a few days, he went to the Supreme Court and faced the judges but till the end, he was sentenced to die. And on December 31, he was shot at Bagumbayan. His death resulted to a full scale rebelion and movements of the Katipunan and its Legion.
