Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3-4, 2011

Last night, I dreamt about a guinea pig that has a skunk tail! It was color black given to me by my brother as a gift. Then after that, I spent a whole day at our terrace,playing with my cousin Serge's grown-up siberian hamster (which is color gray). Then on the morning, I found myself, opening a lunch box with a bear print on top, then found a few toys and 4 guinea pigs in it!

But the thing is, I'm not that sure if they're alive. The 1st pair that I picked in my dreams is a black pair, which is what I've seen before. On a guinea pig site, I'm really sure that I've seen those guinea pigs, kept as pets by a trainer of hamsters,fish & guinea pigs. Then the 2nd pair that I picked out from the lunch box, is white. The other one is abbysinian (pure white) & an american cavy (with caramel in color). When I took them out, they're looking at a single direction. (This somehow freaked me out.) In my dreams, I did not dare look at the direction that they're looking at. But, Later on, I remembered that when I entered our terrace, I took a glance to that direction! But what I saw is Tita Neneth! Now what I'm thinking of is that Tita Neneth may have connection with the guinea pigs that I've been dreaming of!

But that's not the end! I also dreamt about our cat taiga! She gripped a mouse!(Color black) Then I saw that and got a broom (If I remembered correctly) the I hit taiga hard so that she gives off that little mouse. And in the end still, I won ofcourse :))) My cousins are in our house at that time! :D Alright that's what happened in my dreams :D That's all bye !!!! :DDD

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